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Managing Orgs and Repos

Organizations and repositories are 1:1 with GitHub, i.e. what you see in GitHub is what you see in TestRadar.

Adding/removing organizations and repositories consists of the following:

  1. In GitHub, installing/uninstalling the TestRadar GitHub App.

  2. In GitHub, editing the TestRadar GitHub App's settings.

  3. In TestRadar, syncing the above changes.


In GitHub, by default only organization owners can manage the settings of GitHub App registrations owned by an organization. To allow additional users to manage GitHub App registrations owned by an organization, an owner can grant them GitHub App manager permissions.

When you designate a user as a GitHub App manager in your organization, you can grant them access to manage the settings of some or all GitHub App registrations owned by the organization. The GitHub App manager role does not grant users access to install and uninstall GitHub Apps on an organization. For more information, see "Adding and removing GitHub App managers in your organization."